Monday, September 15, 2014

Motivational Monday

I confess, I ate a bunch of junk on Saturday evening and had a few glasses of wine. I ran 20 miles that morning, but that's no excuse, I should have been properly refueling my body not filling it with crap! I did however make sure to drink lots of water while I was indulging to stay hydrated and help flush out the toxins. Instead of dwelling on it and giving in, Sunday I got right back on track.

Maybe you over indulged over the weekend too. I know, sometimes it's hard to have a social life and stay clean on the weekends. But that doesn't mean you can't start clean today.

If you're committed to getting healthy but are overwhelmed and don't know where to begin, why not start one small change every Monday? Maybe you give up soda and drink more water, pack your own healthy lunch instead of eating out, take the stairs instead of the elevator or park at the back of the parking lot and walk a little  more. You'll have a much better chance at success if you take baby steps to change instead of trying to do it all at once.

Monday's always seem to get a bad rap, let's change that and make them awesome!

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