Wednesday, September 10, 2014

"Clean" Cleaning

Not only am I into eating clean, I am also a fan of "clean" cleaning. Why would I want to use products that are full of harmful chemicals and toxins that pose a risk not only to my family & pets, but also the environment? Since washing your hands is something you do many times a day, I'll share my ideas on hand soap.

I have never been a fan of anti-bacterial soap products. The overuse of antibiotics can lead to antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria and antibacterial soaps basically act like an antibiotic, killing bacteria. Antibacterial products will kill most bacteria, but they do not kill viruses which cause colds & the flu. There is also no evidence that proves washing your hands with plain soap and water is any less effective at killing germs than using antibacterial products. Antibacterial soaps also contain triclosan, a chemical that the FDA has been reviewing and the state of MN recently passed a bill to ban from products.

If you would like a safer alternative for hand soap, it's very simple to make your own with just a few ingredients.


In a empty foaming hand soap dispenser combine 2 T. Pure Castile Soap (I use Dr. Bonner's Magic Soap) and water. Optional: add 4 drops of your favorite Essential Oil for scent and a few drops of Vitamin E Oil for added moisturizing. Make sure not to fill the bottle too full so it doesn't overflow when you put the top on. Once the top is on, shake to combine and your soap is ready to use. 

Member # 601327

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