Monday, September 8, 2014

100 Happy Days

Yesterday I completed the 100 Happy Days Challenge on Instagram. Today a friend of mine sent me a message that I had inspired her and she was thinking about starting the challenge ~ I thought that was really cool and I hope she does it and succeeds too! 

As the website says, 71% of people who start the challenge never complete it. The main excuse is lack of time. As I've mentioned before, I hate excuses, plus when I say I'm going to do something I do it. Quitting is not an option I allow for myself, so once I started this challenge I was committed.  I admit, some days it was hard to find something to post, but I was always able to find at least one thing each day that made me happy if I just slowed down for a minute to think about it. Between working full time, training for a marathon, exercising my 3 dogs, planning & cooking clean meals and my volunteer work, I often feel like there is not enough time and tend to get overwhelmed, but at the end of the day I would rather be completely exhausted than bored! I dare you to take the challenge and make the time for some happy each day. I'm glad that I did and although my 100 days are complete I plan to continue to seek the good in each day.

You may not ever know it, but maybe you will inspire someone too. As it turns out, it was that message from my friend that inspired me to share this post.

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