Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Marathon Training

My current marathon training schedule

This is what has been consuming much of my time over the past 13 weeks 2 years! I am training for my 4th marathon in 2 years so I haven't really had a break from training since November of 2012. It's about this point in my training, more specifically during my 22 mile training run, that I tell myself I'm not going to do this again...but I know that's a lie! The truth is, sometimes it sucks and it's a lot of work, but I really do love it.

I know running is not for everyone, believe it or not I actually hated running when I was younger, but I can't imagine not having this passion now. It certainly isn't my purpose in life, I'm still trying to figure that out, but it has changed me.

My whole point of this post is that I wish for everyone to have something they are really passionate about. It doesn't have to be running or even fitness related, just something that you enjoy doing enough to put some real effort and hard work into.

Most people would think that running is the only thing I'm passionate about, but it's not. I  have many other interests and passions, running just happens to be one that I put a lot of effort into and like to talk about, a lot!

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