Sunday, August 10, 2014

Zucchini Take 2

As I mentioned yesterday, I wanted to try making a zucchini pizza crust with all the left overs I had after making my bread. I found a recipe labeled "The best zucchini recipe ever" so I decided to give that one a try. In my case it turned out to be the worst ever, most likely due to the fact that I failed to squeeze enough of the water out of the shredded zucchini. Needless to say, we did not enjoy pizza for dinner last night.

Zucchini pizza crust recipes seem to be all over Pinterest lately so I knew it could be successfully done and I had to give it another try. Today I tried a recipe based off this one I found on Recipe Girl. I made a few modifications based on what I had on hand. I must say it turned out great!

Zucchini Pizza Crust
makes one small crust


2 C shredded & chopped zucchini 
2 eggs, beaten 
½ T Olive Oil
1 C finely grated Parmesan cheese  
1/3 – ½ C Flour - I used Namaste Gluten Free Flour Blend
½ tsp dry oregano
½ tsp dry basil

  • Place a baking stone in the oven and preheat to 450 degrees
  • Shred then chop the zucchini and place in a colander
  • Press as much of the water out of the zucchini as you can
  • Place the shredded zucchini in the center of a clean white dishtowel then ring to squeeze out even more water.Getting as much of the liquid removed is key to the success of this recipe
  • Place zucchini in a mixing bowl with all other ingredients & mix well
  • Pat the mixture into a thin round crust on aluminum foil sprayed with olive oil or non-stick cooking spray 
  • Transfer the crust, still on the aluminum foil, onto the preheated stone in the oven
  • Bake for 8-10 minutes or until browned
  • Remove from oven and flip onto a new sheet of foil sprayed with oil 
  • Return to oven to cook other side for an additional 3-5 minutes or until browned
  • Remove from oven and top with your favorite toppings then bake for another 7-10 minutes or to your liking

I brushed mine with a little bit of olive oil and garlic and topped with fresh buffalo mozzarella, sliced Roma tomatoes from my garden and fresh basil that I grow in my kitchen window. It was delicious! 

Lunch is served

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