Monday, August 11, 2014

Motivational Monday & how I spent my day off

I took today off work just to burn up some vacation time that I never get to use. I didn't have any exciting plans, I was just going to get up at my normal time, catch up on my long training run and then volunteer for a couple hours. I didn't do my 17 mile run over the weekend because my knee was bothering me so I decided to rest it. For the record I didn't hurt my knee running, I actually over-extended it trying to do a yoga pose several weeks ago. Contrary to popular belief of most non-runners, running doesn't wreck your knees.
When I woke up I had no motivation. I didn't sleep very well and my stomach was a bit upset... I could list a dozen more excuses, but I hate excuses so I'll spare you. Let's just say I didn't get right up and go for my run like I intended, but I still planned on running at some point during the day. I had also committed to helping out with some rescue dogs mid-morning and when I say I will do something, I do it, so I got myself out of bed and off I went.
This is Chance, one of 3 pitbulls that Ruff Start Rescue saved from death row last week. I had fun exercising him and 3 other dogs today.
After spending a couple hours exercising and trying to wear out the rescue I dogs I felt like I needed a nap! But I still had that long run looming over my head. It was after 1:00 and pretty hot out so I figured I'd at least shoot for 12 miles and call it good. I parked my car at a mid point on a trail so I could stop back for water a couple times. My run was tough, but I ended up doing the full 17 miles, because that's what my training schedule said I needed to do and I can't not do what I commit myself to do!

I didn't have a nice relaxing day off like I maybe should have, but I lived up to my commitments and I have no regrets!

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