Thursday, August 21, 2014

Hard work, dedication & the desire to succeed!

It's true, if you want something bad enough you will find a way, if not you'll find excuses! I'm not going to lie, I work very hard to stay fit but for me it's one of my priorities. I work a very demanding and stressful full time job, I volunteer, I help manage a household and I still find time to workout myself and exercise my 3 dogs!

I realize that not everyone wants fitness and exercise to be as high a priority as I do and that is fine. You don't need to dedicate hours a day but you do need to put in some time if you want to see results. Start by making small changes to incorporate exercise into your daily life. Maybe get up a half hour early and go for a walk or jog, or give up an hour of television or the internet and replace it with exercise. If you're not willing to give up TV then do push-ups and planks during commercials. If it's important to you, you'll make time for it. Seriously, if you can't make 30 minutes a day for something then you don't want it!

This post isn't just about fitness either, these rules apply to any goal you may have. There are no tricks or shortcuts for achieving your goals and dreams. It takes hard work, dedication and the desire to succeed!

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