Friday, October 7, 2016


I love running. Other runners get it, but you see there aren't a lot of other runners in my life. Constantly trying to explain to everyone around me "why" sometimes gets frustrating. It's something that just can't be explained in words, it has to be experienced to understand, and even then it doesn't always make sense.

So why am I here trying to explain something that can't even be explained? Well now that I'm running my first 50k people really think I'm crazy. I'm excited about it, yet I find myself not really wanting to tell anyone because the reaction I get is "why would you want to do that?" I can't give an answer that makes any sense to anyone else so I usually end up just feeling embarrassed. It makes me not want to talk about running, not because I don't love it, I actually love running more than ever, but I've given up on trying to sell it to the haters.

But some of the comments do get to me and sometimes I even start questioning myself as to why I'm really doing this. Why do I want to go so far? What am I trying to prove?

I surrender. I don't have a perfect answer and I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone other than myself. If I had to sum it up I would say that running takes me out of my comfort zone, it lets me push the limits. I get to see things I wouldn't otherwise notice, both literally and figuratively. Running is the tiny little piece of adventure that helps get me through all the mundane things in life.

"Sometimes surrender means giving up trying to understand and becoming comfortable with not knowing." 
~Eckhart Tolle. 

There are too many other things in my life right now that I am obligated to do but do not enjoy. Running is something I truly enjoy and as long as I  am able to do so I will continue on this path. The moment it becomes less joyful and more of a chore, I will give it up, but for now I will keep going. There really is no need for me to explain all the why's.

"When you choose your own path in life you will be challenged.
Challenge is the catalyst that tests your dreams" ~Maya Mendoza

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