Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Workout Wednesday ~ there's an app for that!

There's an app for just about anything these days so why not use your phone or mobile device to help get you motivated, keep you on track and make fitness fun?!

Here are just a few ideas:

Sworkit (iOS & Android) no equipment needed, just select a category and how many minutes you want to exercise and a workout is provided with video instructions & audio cues

Nike+ Training Club (iOS & Android) offers more than 100 workouts for different levels and goals.

C25K (iOS & Android) an 8 week training program to get you from the couch to running your 1st 5k

My Fitness Pal (iOS & Android) let's you log your meals & workouts to help keep you on track

WoofTrax (iOS & Android) Take your dog for a walk/run and help earn money for your favorite rescue or shelter

Zombies, Run! 3 (iOS & Android) turns your walk or run zombie chase game

Charity Miles (iOS & Android) help earn money for your favorite charity for every mile you walk or run

There are hundreds of other options out there, so find one that appeals to you, get moving and have fun!

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