Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Back to marathon training, but what is my plan?

Wow, it's been over 7 months since I've posted anything here! Life just got crazy and I really don't think anyone was actually reading my blog so I kind of just let it go. In that time I've gotten a little less anal about always trying to eat clean. I still focus on exercising and eating well, but let's face it, life is not as much fun when you act like the food police 24/7!

I took 2015 off from really running any races other than a 25K trail run in April and the Twin Cities 10 Mile in October. This year I've just been running for general fitness and fun, not training. Well now it's time to get back to marathon training mode.

Months ago I decided on Hal Higdon's Boston Bound, after all I am training for the Boston Marathon. This program is only 12 weeks and wouldn't officially start until late January so I've just been slowly building up my mileage over the past couple months in preparation.

Then a couple weeks ago I started seeing other Boston bound runners on social media who have already started training so started second guessing my choice.  Pete Pfitzinger's Advanced Marathoning kept coming up so of course I downloaded the book last week and started reading it right away. All the science behind this way of training really makes sense so I decided maybe I should go with his 18 week plan that maxes at 55 miles per week. I jumped right in on Saturday and so far have 3 runs completed, all of which were to be done at a much slower pace than I'm accustom to. Granted I'm less than a week in and I haven't gotten to any of the more challenging runs yet, but I feel like this program may consists of way more slower miles than my mind can handle.

Have I ever mentioned that I am terribly indecisive and making decisions like this gives me anxiety? What if I make the wrong choice?! Do I go back to my original plan which is specifically designed to prepare for the unique challenges of the Boston course? Do I trust the program that scientifically makes the most sense? Or do I just go back to the schedule I used for my last marathon which now looks way too easy but did get me qualified for Boston and a PR of more than 15 minutes?

I still can't even believe I'm running Boston! Did I really train for my qualifying marathon on a 4 day per week running schedule based on a 3:40 goal?! Maybe less really is more and I should start giving all of this less thought!